Musielak Marek

Posted on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 by Marek Musielak

EPiServer - filter page tree view

Recently I was working on the EPiServer site that contains dozens of subsections. Every of them is managed by different editor. I was asked to display in page tree view in edit mode only those pages, that editor has editing access. It is reasonable as having dozens of pages (all marked with padlock) makes editing harder or at least less comfortable. Lets do not talk more about the background and take a look at implementation...

In general I think that EPiServer code is a little bit too sealed. I hate all those classes where you can not reimplement part of the code on your own or where you can not overwrite methods. However, this time I was nicely surprised. It was enough to create custom implementation of the EPiServer.PlugIn.PlugInAttribute and use DataFactory.Instance.FinishedLoadingChildren event.

Actually, on the beginning I wanted to use DataFactory.Instance.LoadingChildren and set RequiredAccess to AccessLevel.Edit (see below), but it didn't work for me. If you know why, please comment so I can learn something :)
private static void Instance_LoadingChildren(object sender, ChildrenEventArgs e)
e.RequiredAccess = AccessLevel.Edit;

First I created my class inheriting from EPiServer.PlugIn.PlugInAttribute and implemented Start method so it adds new ChildrenEventHandler to the DataFactory.Instance.FinishedLoadingChildren event:
using System.Web;
using EPiServer;
using EPiServer.Configuration;
using EPiServer.Core;
using EPiServer.PlugIn;
using EPiServer.Security;

namespace Maras.TreeAdapter
public class TreeAdapter : PlugInAttribute
public static void Start()
DataFactory.Instance.FinishedLoadingChildren += Instance_FinishedLoadingChildren;

private static void Instance_FinishedLoadingChildren(object sender, ChildrenEventArgs e)
if (IsAccessCheckNecessary(e))
int index = 0;
while (index < e.Children.Count)
if (e.Children[index].ACL.HasAccess(PrincipalInfo.Current.Principal, AccessLevel.Edit))

As you can see, I check whether the access control is necessary and then I remove all the children that current user is not allowed to edit. Pretty important is the IsAccessCheckNecessary method. My implementation assumes that I want to filter pages in edit mode and for the children of the start page only, so it looks like this:
private static readonly string UI_URL = Settings.Instance.UIUrl.ToString().ToLower();

private static bool IsAccessCheckNecessary(ChildrenEventArgs e)
return e.PageLink == PageReference.StartPage &&

If you know any easier way of doing what I needed, feel free to comment below.

Source code can be downloaded from here: source code

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